
Principal LegislationCompanies Act, 2013 Private Limited Companies are governed by the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder.
Separate Legal EntityYesOnce registered, is a separate legal entity and can carry out its operations in its own name.
RegistrationMandatoryMust be mandatorily registered to commence its operations.
Number of MembersMinimum – 2
Maximum – 200
Requires a minimum of 2 members and can have a maximum of 200 members.
LiabilityLimitedLiability of members is limited.
Transfer of SharesConditional Shares can be transferred after the approval of other shareholders.
ComplianceLevel of Compliance – ComplexThe degree of compliance is complex and higher as compared to other structures except that of a public company.
DirectorMinimum – 2There has to be a minimum of 2 Directors.

Documents Required

  1. PAN Card of the Shareholders/Directors.
  2. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of the Shareholders/Directors.
  3. Proof of identity (POI) of the Shareholders/Directors.
  4. Proof of address (POA) of the Shareholders/Directors.
  5. Address Proof of the Registered Office.
  6. No Objection Certificate (NOC) of the owner of the Registered Office.
  7. Rent Agreement of the Registered Office if applicable.
  8. Any other documents based on the specific requirements if any.