
Principal LegislationCompanies Act, 2013A One Person Company is governed by the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
Separate Legal EntityYesSeparate Legal Entity happens to be one of the main features of a One Person Company.
RegistrationMandatoryRegistration is mandatory to commence with its operations.
Number of Members1There should be a minimum of 1 member who is required to be a Resident of India and must be an Indian Citizen.
LiabilityLimitedLiability of the member (s) is limited.
Transfer of SharesYes
ComplianceModerateThe level of compliance is moderate as compared to the other structures.
DirectorMinimum – 1
Maximum – 15
There has to be a minimum of 1 Director and the maximum number is 15.

Documents Required.

  1. PAN Card of the Shareholder/Directors/Nominee.
  2. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of the Shareholders/Directors.
  3. Proof of identity (POI) of the Shareholders/Directors.
  4. Proof of address (POA) of the Shareholders/Directors.
  5. Address Proof of the Registered Office.
  6. No Objection Certificate (NOC) of the owner of the Registered Office.
  7. Rent Agreement of the Registered Office if applicable.
  8. Any other documents based on the specific requirements if any.